260 research outputs found

    Regular Policies in Abstract Dynamic Programming

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    We consider challenging dynamic programming models where the associated Bellman equation, and the value and policy iteration algorithms commonly exhibit complex and even pathological behavior. Our analysis is based on the new notion of regular policies. These are policies that are well-behaved with respect to value and policy iteration, and are patterned after proper policies, which are central in the theory of stochastic shortest path problems. We show that the optimal cost function over regular policies may have favorable value and policy iteration properties, which the optimal cost function over all policies need not have. We accordingly develop a unifying methodology to address long standing analytical and algorithmic issues in broad classes of undiscounted models, including stochastic and minimax shortest path problems, as well as positive cost, negative cost, risk-sensitive, and multiplicative cost problems

    A Counterexample to Temporal Differences Learning

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    Sutton’s TD(N method aims to provide a representation of the cost function in an absorbing Markov chain with transition costs. A simple example is given where the representation obtained depends on A. For X = 1 the representation is optimal with respect to a least-squares error criterion, but as X decreases toward 0 the representation becomes progressively worse and, in some cases, very poor. The example suggests a need to understand better the circumstances under which TD(0) and Q-learning obtain satisfactory neural network-based compact representations of the cost function. A variation of TD(0) is also given, which performs better on the example

    Q-Learning and Enhanced Policy Iteration in Discounted Dynamic Programming

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    We consider the classical nite-state discounted Markovian decision problem, and we introduce a new policy iteration-like algorithm for fi nding the optimal Q-factors. Instead of policy evaluation by solving a linear system of equations, our algorithm requires (possibly inexact) solution of a nonlinear system of equations, involving estimates of state costs as well as Q-factors. This is Bellman's equation for an optimal stopping problem that can be solved with simple Q-learning iterations, in the case where a lookup table representation is used; it can also be solved with the Q-learning algorithm of Tsitsiklis and Van Roy [TsV99], in the case where feature-based Q-factor approximations are used. In exact/lookup table representation form, our algorithm admits asynchronous and stochastic iterative implementations, in the spirit of asynchronous/modi ed policy iteration, with lower overhead and more reliable convergence advantages over existing Q-learning schemes. Furthermore, for large-scale problems, where linear basis function approximations and simulation-based temporal di erence implementations are used, our algorithm resolves e ffectively the inherent difficulties of existing schemes due to inadequate exploration
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